Luisa Cascón Rodríguez

Knowledge of Programming Languages
Luisa Cascón

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about my software knowledge

Software Knowledge Luisa Cascón Rodríguez

My beginning with Basic in my early childhood, C and Fortran in my university education and Visual Basic 6.0 started my career.

Software Skills

Visual Basic .net and higher versions

It is the programming language in which I have more experience.
I've developed with this language all the clustered system for buying and selling electricity operating 24x7. I have made ​​
desktop applications that users can exploit all the information stored in SQL Server databases.
Load information in database from different sources and different formats.
Generation of XML files Exchange web services.

Visual Basic 6.0

Version before the visual studio.
With this programming language I started my career doing desktop applications with Access databases and SQL Server databases.
I made a prediction model prices for the electricity, sold to different companies, giving support and solving questions users.

Although I have not worked professionally with this language, my curiosity has made formed me to expand my knowledge and have made some practices.

I have yet to make any own project and deepen MVC and WPF.


Most of the sites I've done where done with ASP. Corporate websites, intranets, news websites, and private webs, with passwords. Against Access and SQL Server data. Redirects, soft real-time, online auctions. All requirements requested by customers have been able to incorporate in their different websites .


I trained for years in this programming language, and by 2015 I used professionally. With the rise of wordpress for developing websites, I had to pick up and refresh. I developed form submissions and reports on MySQL databases .
I have yet further develop my knowledge to guide programming PHP to WordPress.


Java, one of the most widely used programming languages ​​and more professionals are still asking in companies.

I made ​​several courses between 2003 and 2004 and I developed an online calculator to the site of a company for electricity consumption results and graphical representation of results.
Today I have to start to program again charging information in different formats in MySQL database.

Django & Python

Faced with the need for refreshment websites where information was cleaner than other technologies.

I decided to train in these programming languages ​​as companies like Facebook and Twitter use it.
Professionally I worked with them between 2013 and 2014 against MySQL database to obtain online reports.


JQuery, the programming language for the most beautiful sites in a simpler way.

I can make effects, access different web content and change. And we forget the Flash, which gives so much trouble with the positioning web.


The basis on which perform all websites, HTML, HTML5 now with their own labels, perfect for SEO, CSS, style sheets to put the nice web and JSS, Javascript to interact with it.

VBA Visual Basic for Applications

I made tools for generation and automation of reports and information retrieval Databases Access and SQL Server.